I Love Dick
In this 2016 film directed by Joey Soloway, the story revolves around a married couple who move to a small Texas town, where the wife becomes infatuated with a charismatic artist named Dick. The narrative explores themes of desire, obsession, and the complexities of relationships. Starring Kathryn Hahn, Kevin Bacon, and Griffin Dunne, the film delves into the emotional and psychological landscapes of its characters. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
TV Status: Canceled
25minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 6.3
TMDb: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
Metacritic: 73
FilmAffinity: 6.6
Country: United States of America
Networks: Prime Video
Starring: Bobbi Salvör Menuez, Griffin Dunne, Kathryn Hahn, Kevin Bacon, Roberta Colindrez