Sam, a solitary individual, experiences a significant change in his life after acquiring a firearm and engaging in illegal activities. Meanwhile, his sister Gina, a driven police officer, is dedicated to enforcing the law and is determined to track down the gun’s owner. This family drama unfolds alongside an investigation into the shooting of a local entrepreneur, which brings up unresolved issues for Sam and Gina regarding their father’s death when they were children.
TV Status: Ended
50minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 7.9
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC OneS4C, S4C
Starring: Catrin Stewart, Chris Reilly, David Hayman, Dyfan Dwyfor, Gareth Jewell, Hedydd Dylan, Jack Parry Jones, Jacob Ifan, Nia Roberts, Sara Lloyd, Suzanne Packer, Tim Preston