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The Verse

The Verse

Meet Captain Bret Hunter (Ryan Caldwell), a former Alliance navy officer who has gone rogue, along with his eclectic crew and passengers aboard the Overland, a scrappy transport vessel navigating the fringes of the galaxy and the law. Joining him are Caroline Stack (Jennifer Wenger), a tough bounty hunter and co-owner of the ship; Travis “Yoke” Sandspur (Peter Weidman), the ship’s pilot and an old Navy friend of the captain; Rusty Duvall (Zack Finfrock), the socially awkward yet brilliant mechanic; Maribelle Crawford (Tybee Diskin), a runaway governor’s daughter and expert sharpshooter; and Jon “Chow” Zhou (Ewan Chung), a traveling salesman and con artist trying to prove his value on board. After capturing Annie Whitehall (Alex Marshall-Brown), an unexpected bounty wanted for murder, Stack hires Captain Hunter to transport her to a border planet. However, Commodore Woodruff (Vic Mignogna) might have different intentions.