Set in a small Danish town, this gripping drama delves into the intertwined lives of its residents, focusing on themes of loyalty, crime, and redemption. The story follows a police officer who returns to his hometown to tackle the escalating drug problem, only to find himself entangled in the complex relationships and secrets of his past. The film features standout performances from its cast, including Thomas Levin and Claus Riis Østergaard. Directed by Dunja Gry Jensen, it offers a compelling narrative that keeps viewers engaged. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Starring: Anne Sofie Espersen, Claus Riis Østergaard, Daniel Bevensee, Farid Olawi, Henrik Birch, Jacob Ulrik Lohmann, Marijana Jankovic, Mathias Käki Jørgensen, Mette Marckmann, Pi Werning, Pia Jondal, Thomas Levin